Sunday 22 May 2011

Butterfly of the Week - Saturn

This last butterfly that I am introducing to you is known as Saturn. Most of the time, it can only be found in the dense forest ground feeding on rotting fruits and animals' droppings. It is considered one of the huge butterfly I have ever seen. It camouflages so well with the dried leaves on the forest ground, sometimes it's quite difficult to detect it. However once it was alerted, it would take off and disappeared into the dense forest. Unless one was bold enough to chase it by dashing along with it through the forest, most of the time you would miss it. When it opened its wings, there's strikes of bright shiny blue which was very difficult to take using a camera. It took me a couple of months before I could take a real decent shot of it unlike my butterfly enthusiast friends. Here it is, presenting to you Saturn. Hope you will like it . All the best to you! Study well and hard!

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