Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Revision Exercises, Worked Problems and Tips for Exams

I will start a series of Revision exercises here including self-marking excel files, worked solutions in powerpoint and some common errors to observe. Hope this will help you revise your work well.

Links to Revision 1 Exercises and Worked Problem Sums

Revision 1 Excel foe checking

Revision 1 Problem sums solutions

Revision 1 Solutions


Saturday, 23 April 2011

Butterfly of the Week - Knight

Whenever the word Knight is mentioned, you probably will think of a warrior riding on a horse. I have great respect for this butterfly, partly because of its name. Mainly, it has beautiful design on its wings which resembles that of a Hawk or an Eagle. The tips of its wings show the design that resembles the Eagle's Head. It's often found in the forest, sometimes at parks. Hope you like it, do write me your reflection.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Maths Olympiads 2010 Questions and Solutions

1. What is the value of the following?
(8 x 4)+(8 x 3)+(8 x 2)+(8 x 1)

Solutions :
Method 1
You just need to know your timestable well to get this questions correct.

Method 2
Understand that there is a Distributive Law which allows you to add first before multiplying, that is
(8 x 4)+(8 x 3)+(8 x 2)+(8 x 1) = 8 x (4+3+2+1) = 8 x 10 = 80

Find out more about the other laws from the weblink below

Q2. A bag contains 18 jelly beans, 4 are red, 6 are white and 8 are blue. Amanda takes them out one at a time without looking. What is the fewest jelly beans she must take out to be certain that at least 2 of the jelly beans she takes out are blue?

Method : Consider the worst case scenario
4 red + 6 white + 2 blue = 12 jelly beans

Q3. A prime number is a counting number with exactly two factors, the number itself and the number 1. In the sequence 2, 5, 11, 23, ... each number is obtained by doubling the previous number and adding 1.What is the first number in the sequence that is not a prime number?

Solution :
You should know about prime numbers before you can attempt this question. Using listing method and checking each number. Noticed that the first four numbers are all prime numbers.
2, 5, 11, 23,...
Continue to list...
47, 95...
95 is not a prime number because it is a multiple of 5.

Quick Answers for the rest of the questions:

4. 120 seconds
5. 66 cm
6. 182
7. 22
8. 26
9. 14 cm
10. 10 marbles
11. 9375
12. $13
13. 24 hours
14. 8 tiles
15. 71
16. $12
17. 12 paths
18. 6 hours
19. 58 cards
20. 27 cubes

Two Fractions Weblinks

Here are what you did in today's P4 Maths Enrichment. The fractions weblinks are as shown.

Clara’s Ice-cream Shop (Fraction)

Tony’s Fraction Pizza Shop

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Painted Cubes

What is a cube?
A cube is a 3 dimensional object with 6 similiar square faces.
All the sides of the cube are of the same size.

If each side of the cube is 1 unit, then the cube can also be called unit cube.
The dimension of the cube is 1 x 1 x 1
Now if we stack up more cubes to a dimension of 2 by 2 by 2 and paint it all round including the base as shown.

If all the cubes are separated, how many of the cubes have
1 face painted?
2 faces painted?
3 faces painted?
no face painted?

If we set up another set of cubes to a dimension of 3 by 3 by 3 as shown and have it painted all round just like before.

If all the cubes are separated, how many of the cubes have
1 face painted?
2 faces painted?
3 faces painted?
no face painted?

Hope you could think harder to answer the questions.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Butterfly of the Week - Plain Tiger

The Plain Tiger is one of the common butterflies in Singapore. Common in the sense if the host plant (Crown Flower) is present, then it will be around. The caterpillars are rather active but can be cruel too. If there's not enough leaves to feed, then some caterpillars will actually feed on the soft newly formed pupae of its own specie. (that puts me off!) It is also known as African Monarch. The pupae looks like jade pendant. Here it is, hope you will like it!

Thursday, 14 April 2011


The websites below will provide some ideas about Symmetry around us.

Create 5 snowflakes from the website above, save it as picture file in your computer and put it in powerpoint and send to me.
My email : commonbirdwing16@gmail.com

The Multiplication Quizzes Website is
Do the Post Test

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Three Prime Number Questions

1.   A prime number is a counting number with exactly two factors, the number itself and the number 1. In the sequence 2, 5, 11, 23, ... each number is obtained by doubling the previous number and adding 1. What is the first number in the sequence that is not a prime number?

2.   Suppose a twinner is a number that is both 1 more than a prime number and 1 less than another prime number. For example, 30 is a twinner because 29 and 31 are both prime numbers. What is the sum of the three least twinners?

3.   111 111 is the product of 5 different prime numbers. What is the sum of those 5 prime numbers?

Sent your answers to my email : commonbirdwing16@gmail.com

Higher Order Thinking Questions (1)

1.   Joshua writes a four-digit number whose digits are 3, 5, 7 and 9, not necessarily in that order. The number is a multiple of 5. The first two digits and the last two digits have the same sum. The thousands digit is larger than the hundreds digit. What is Joshua's number?

2.   One hat and two shirts cost $21. Two hats and one shirt cost $18. Megan has exactly enough money to buy one hat and one shirt. How much money does Megan have?


Butterfly of the Week - Common Hedge Blue

This specie can often be encountered in the forests and can be quite tame for photographic session as compared to the other species. The open wings of this butterfly is shining blue. It's quite common to be seen and sometimes people tend to give it  a miss as there are many other pretty butterflies around. Hope you like it!

Add caption

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Hummingbird and Sunbird

A kind-hearted boy saw a small sunbird outside his house and brought the bird to school and asked Uncle Jason to hand to Mr. Koh. He thought that this was a Hummingbird. Unfortunately, there's no hummingbird in this region, exception Jurong Bird Park. Apparently, this is a Olive-backed Sunbird. Mr. Koh went to a bird shop to ask for the price of a birdcage and the cheapest cost $18. He decided to setup his own bird cage for the little sunbird. Poor Mr. Koh has to baby-sit the bird for the weekends. Here's a photo of the sunbird and the website that also provides some info about this specie of bird.


Thursday, 7 April 2011

Alternative Assessment - Powerpoint for Fashion Store

Here are the items to be included in your powerpoint slides to be sent to me :

1) Slide which include the name of your store and members' name
2) Slides which includes the name of your items including a short description (less than 20 words), how much you pay for it and how much you are going to sell it.
3) The pictures of the ten items.
4) The quantity (how many) of the items
5) The total cost of all the items
6) The total amount of money you expect to collect

Email your powerpoint to commonbirdwing16@gmail.com

What are Prime Numbers?

Prime numbers can be defined as numbers which have exactly two factors, one and itself. As a result, 1 is not considered as a prime number as it does not satisfy the condition. The first prime number, also the only even prime number is 2. It has exactly two factors, 1 and 2. Can you find out all the other Prime Numbers less than 100. Here are some websites that can help you to know more about Prime Numbers.


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Questions for Enrichment Programme 3

Look at the patterns of the butterflies.

Use the following choices (1, 2, 3 or 4) for the following questions.

Q1.Which butterfly is on the 46th position?

Q2.Which butterfly is on the 67th position?

Q3.Which butterfly is on the 648th position?

Q4.Which butterfly is on the 9997th position?

Q5.Which butterfly is on the 8887th position?

Post your answers to my email : commonbirdwing16@gmail.com

Good Luck!

Third Session of Brain Building for P4

The activities for the next two weeks will be familiarising and mastering the Strategy game known as Bloxorz.

Game Instructions:
1)  The aim of the game is to get the block to fall into the square hole at the end of each stage. There are 33 stages to complete.
2)  To move the block around the world, use the left, right, up and down arrow keys. Be careful not to fall off the edges.  The level will be restarted if this happens.
3)  Bridges and switches are located in many levels.  The switches are activated when they are pressed down by the block.  You do not need to stay resting on the switch to keep bridges closed.
4)  There are two types of switches:  "Heavy" x-shaped ones and "soft" octagon ones...  Soft switches (octagons) are activated when any part of your block presses it.  Hard switches (x's) require much more pressure, so your block must be standing on its end to activate them.
5)  When activated, each switch may behave differently.  Some will swap the bridges from open to closed to open each time it is used.  Some will create bridges permanently. 
Green or red colored squares will flash to indicate which bridges are being operated.
6)  Orange tiles are more fragile than the rest of the land.  If your block stands up vertically on an orange tile, the tile will give way and your block will fall through.
7)  Finally, there is a third type of switch shaped like this: ( )    It teleports your block to different locations, splitting it into two smaller blocks at the same time.  These can be controlled individually and will rejoin into a normal block when both are places next to each other.
8)  You can select which small block to use at any time by pressing the spacebar.  Small blocks can still operate soft switches, but they aren't big enough to activate heavy switches.  Also, small blocks cannot go through the exit hole -- only a complete block can finish the stage.
9)  Remember the passcode for each stage.  It is located in the top right corner.  You can skip straight back to each stage later on by going to "Load Stage" in the main menu and entering the 6 digit level code.

Pls see the following websites for the above activities.

Let me know how far you have progress after that. Have FUN!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Solutions for Mathematics Enrichment Session 2 Questions

(1) 4
(2) 8
(3) 16
(4) 45
(5) 36
(6) 285

Detail solutions for Q6.


200 201
210 211

300 301 302
310 311 312
320 321 322

400401 402403
410411 412413
420421 422423
430431 432433

500501502 503504
510511512 513514
520521522 523524
530531532 533534
540541542 543544

:      :      :      :      :      :      :
:      :      :      :      :      :      :

900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908
980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 988

Total is
(1×1) + (2×2) + (3×3) + (4×4) + (5×5) + (6×6) + (7×7) + (8×8) + (9×9)

= 1 + 4 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 + 49 + 64 + 81 = 285

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Butterfly of the Week - Harlequin

I have never expected such beautiful butterflies actually existed in Singapore. The only different is this specie can only be found in forests and they tend to hop around and fly in very short distance. The site that they were discovered were threatened because of construction and soon their habitat would be destroyed. The only way that some people did was trying to shift their habitat to else where but may not be successful. In our land scarce Singapore, building more houses, shopping malls and condominium mean less land for nature.